In this 4-Part series on crushing your Goal-Setting for the year, we are exploring how you can set yourself up for success in 2020! In Part 1: We looked at how to create realistic annual goals. From there, we looked at how to break those huge goals down into monthly goals in Part 2. This week, we will look at how to create weekly goals from the monthly ones.
The weekly calendar picture is posted above for a very specific reason. Research has shown time and time again that people are more likely to stick to something if they actually write it down in their calendar. Whether you use a digital or paper planner (I’m old-school and adore paper), the key is that you block out time for the things you want to have happen. People use things such as Google calendar to enter their work meetings and client appointments all the time, and guess what? You typically show up for those appointments and meetings because it’s part of your job description. Imagine what you could do if you apply that same principle to your own personal and professional goals that you WANT to do!
I’ll give a few examples, but feel free to email if you have any questions about this. For example, if you have a goal of finding a new job this year as your annual goal, and have decided that the first month is to start applying, then your weekly goal may be to revise your resume and write a template cover letter. Rather than wait for inspiration to strike or the right time (aka it won’t happen), write down a block of time in your calendar and call it “Resume Revision” time or “Cover letter” time. Be specific for what the time is going to be used for.
If you want to start exercising twice per week, put a 1-hour block on your calendar for Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm and label it (go for a run, yoga class, Orange Theory, etc.) You are WAY more likely to do something if it’s written in your calendar. You can do the same with any habit you want to form, from meditating to expanding your social connections.
For a longer project-type goal (starting a business, writing a book, etc), think about a specific weekly goal that would be a logical step for you. This could be something like forming an LLC, designing a website, writing a book outline, etc. Then put those things on your calendar in a specific time block.
If you do this week after week, you will be amazed at how all the little steps you take add up into bigger goals! All it takes is small but consistent progress and your calendar is the best way you can hold yourself accountable to doing it. Take a few minutes and decide what your weekly goals will be (I recommend no more than 2 major goals per week), and then … get it on your calendar! Have a great week and in the last post next week (Part 4 of 4), I will go over the best practice for getting your daily to-do list done!
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