The term “law of attraction” has been widely used since the pop-culture breakout book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne in 2006. Simply put, it means that the universe draws similar energies together and allows you to create the life you want by being on the same vibrational level as whatever it is that you desire. Easier said than done, and I could write a whole series of posts on that topic and what holds people back (which I will do in the future), but for now, here is a real-life example of using this law specifically toward a new job with one of my career coaching clients.
*Jane was working in a job that she had enjoyed when she first started but after several years, she realized there were things about the job she didn’t love. Note: as people evolve and grow, it is normal to outgrow jobs that were a good fit at one time. Jane didn’t like being in the office 40 hours per week, didn’t like being on call on the weekends, and she wanted to do more project management type work which was more satisfying for her. One thing about the law of attraction is clarity: being clear on what exactly you DO want. Too often, people focus on what they dislike and don’t want which confuses the universe. Jane’s first challenge was gaining that clarity.
I had her do an exercise where she focused on what she wanted (rather than what she didn’t) and came up with ideal elements for her next job. For her, those things included working from home 2-3 days per week, no on-call hours on the weekend, and a promotion into a more senior role where she could use and better develop her project management skills. Then Jane did a creative visualization exercise I taught her where she imagined being in that ideal job until it felt real. The idea behind this was that once she had that clarity, she could browse job listings and the right thing would pop out at her. It’s like if you ask someone to notice red cars on the highway—you will soon see red cars everywhere! But something amazing happened before Jane even got the chance to look at Indeed…
Her current boss came to her the same week she did those exercises and told Jane that he and his supervisor were creating a new position and thought she would be a perfect fit. It was a project management position and involved no weekends and working from home several days a week. My client was actually a little freaked out. She said the job description was almost exactly what she had written down for our exercise. She accepted the job offer and ended up so much happier in the new role as she felt the job itself was more rewarding and her work/life balance allowed for more time with her family.
That is a perfect example of the law of attraction at work and how you can use it in your career. Once you get clarity, things can happen really quickly. However, when you aren’t clear, you tend to get muddled results. Where do you need clarity right now? What is one thing you know would be different if you were living your ideal life? Email me and let me know!
*Jane’s real name and identifying details have been changed due to client confidentiality